
3 ways to boost your offline business with APIs

New tech empowers companies as they try to build better products and services. APIs (Application programming interfaces) provide multiple ways to do it with ease and utilise third-party solutions – out of the box tools that save you time on development. Though APIs is definitely not a new thing for online business (most of services have some kind of application programming interfaces – Mailchimp, Litmus), offline still lacks understanding of possible ways to improve business efficacy with such a convenient tool.

Integrating Email with Team Chat

Most team chat services have some type of email support. Pretty much all provide one-way notifications for missed messages, others go a step further and let you reply to them —with attachments, even [Fleep, Glip, Kato]— but none take it all the way back to days of Outlook and BlackBerry, circa 2004. Back then, people sent hundreds of short, chat-like emails per day to just a handful of recipients—usually very close colleagues.

How to Share a Channel Between Slack Teams

Odds are you’re in love with Slack. This new tool is a fantastic way to keep your team on the same page—and cut back on email. Unfortunately, Slack has a limitation: it doesn’t easily connect disparate (e.g. external and intra-company) teams. For example, in an agency, your team can use Slack to reduce call volume and expedite communication. But, what if the clients you work with have their own Slack, and don’t want to create new accounts?

Client Communication is Killing Your Agency (And How to Fix This)

Many are drawn to the idea of running a creative agency: interesting projects; great creative minds; and, of course, ideas people take notice of. Nevertheless, the challenges of agency life can prove a rude awakening, for the new agency operator. Keeping your agency profitable relies on many variables. You need even cashflow, dependable processes, and a little bit of luck. That said, the lifeblood of any creative company is communication.

Why Most IT Companies Do Not Need Marketing Teams

The word for 2015 is hustle. Companies cutting costs and workforce are forced to look for real indie talent in order to outsource marketing and content creation. Startups have no time for anything but core product and they are about to recognise freelancers and niche agencies as well. Efficiency problem Major tech companies have their own marketing teams, startups tend to hire growth hackers and move towards spending most of their time working on core products.

Running and Software Development

What can running and software development have in common? Nothing special at fist glance. A sweaty and slender runner totally differs from a flabby, bent by scoliosis programmer. Stadiums don’t applaud to developers and no one gives them the country flag for the lap of honor round the office after some release. Nevertheless, running and development do have many things in common. I have read a very difficult book — Surfaces and Essences.